Choral Evensong From Liverpool Cathedral

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Product Description

This is a glorious and stunning CD. The Choir of Liverpool Cathedral here makes its first recording under its director David Poulter. The singing is of a high order and in the glorious acoustics of this famous cathedral the boys and girls together with the gentlemen put together a grand Choral Evensong which includes two full voluntaries played by Daniel Bishop before the service starts and the C minor Prelude and Fugue of Bach at the end of the service. This CD represents the fine and unique heritage that is a typical choral evensong sung at its best in UK cathedrals and heard every day throughout the UK. This music gift is a CD for him or her as an inspirational present for all occasions.
Track Listing Includes:
1. Organ: "Nimrod" (Enigma Variations) - E Elgar arr. D Bishop
2. Organ: "Elegy" - G Thalben-Ball
3. Introit: "We Will Remember Them" - E Elgar
4. "Preces and Responses" - K Leighton
5. "Psalm 23" - H W Davies
6. "Psalm 121 and Requiem Aeternam" - H W Davies
7. 1st Lesson (Job 19:21-27)
8. "Magnificat (Westminster Service)" - H Howells
9. 2nd Lesson (Romans 8:31-39)
10. "Nune Dimittis (Westminster Service)"
11. Creed
12. Responses - K Leighton
13. Anthem: "Lord, Let Me Know Mine End" - M Greene
14. Anthem: "My Soul, There is a Country" - H. Parry
15. Prayers
16. Hymn: "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" - H Parry
17. Anthem: "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" - J. Rutter
18. Final Responses - B Rose
19. Organ: "Prelude and Fugue in C Minor BWV 537" - J S Bach

Approximate measurements:
Height - 13cm
Width - 15cm
Weight - 75g

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