KJV - Standard Text Edition (Blue / BL)
The King James Version of 1611 has been the most widely known and quoted version of the Bible for over three centuries, and has shaped both Western culture and the English language. The Standard Text Bible offers the text of the King James Version in an exceptionally clear and readable type. The size of the Bible makes it a handy buy for someone who wants an easily readable type, but not a Bible that is too heavy or bulky to carry. This Bible also has a glossary of 14 pages which explains some of the lesser known words of 17th Century English, and a Bible reading guide. Bound as a hardback with an attractive jacket, the economical price of this Bible represents exceptional value.
• Exceptionally clear and readable type
• Economical hardback in handy size
• Bible word list and reading plan
Approximate measurements:
Height - 19cm
Width - 13.3cm
Weight - 100g